Become a Certified Sielox Integrator
Sielox Certified Integrators Receive Strong Support
Since 1979, Sielox has built its expertise working with integration partners and end-users in all types of facilities. We support our Certified Sielox Integrators (CSIs) with proven professional resources and benefits, including:
- Industry-leading products Made in the USA
- Layered security lockdown solutions
- Proprietary security protocols
- Products designed for easy installation and service
- OEM product integrations and support
- Customer order service / same day shipping
- Product training at HQ and on the road
- Limited territories and vertical markets
- Technical support desk
- Extensive sales support network
- Resources available from Engineering to the CEO
To submit yourself as a potential Certified Sielox Integrator, please complete this form.
Become a Certified Sielox Integrator
Sielox listens to customers and to business partners and are very responsive to our needs. More importantly, they do what they say they are going to do.