Access Control with Video Verification
Sielox Access Control Solutions with Video Verification
In regulated markets, requirements often go beyond controlling physical access to sensitive areas to include the preservation of an audit trail and video verification to confirm that the access control system is effective. For example, regulated markets include electrical power generation, where the NERC rules are designed to help assure the reliability of the national power system. In the payment card industry, the PCI DSS rules are designed to maintain trust in the overall system while reducing credit card fraud. The Food and Drug Administration implements FSMA regulations to help protect the national food supply. These are just a few of the regulations that recommend or require video surveillance and CCTV monitoring to ensure that only authorized personnel is allowed to enter these sensitive areas.
Sielox offers several video verification solutions to meet these needs:
Event Video Link is a feature in Pinnacle Access Control solutions that links to any DVR or NVR, and supports the industry ATM/POS standard, enabling the ability to link access control events to video for pop-ups, viewing and real-time recording. This feature also allows users to mark video events with alarm text-data for legal forensic requirements.
Our Pinnacle Access Control Software Platform also integrates with Kaplogic Aegis3 PSIM (Physical Security Information Management software), a graphical command and control software package which supports multiple workstations. Users have the ability to add cameras, intercoms, doors, readers, inputs/outputs to a graphical map, then control them with the click of a mouse. Aegis3 integrates with most major surveillance and DVR manufacturers.
Sielox AnyWare™ Browser Based Access Control and Sielox CLASS™ – Crisis Lockdown Alert Status System can also connect to any IP camera on an alarm event to display live video. This integration is free of any recurring license and driver fees. If the user has access to the IP address of the cameras set up at their location, they can integrate those cameras with Anyware or CLASS.