Innovative Layered Security System Solutions
Discover CLASS
Watch Superintendent Chance Nix discuss how CLASS has improved situational awareness and security at Catoosa Public Schools.
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Innovative Layered Security Solutions for Access Control
The demand for more stringent physical access control, and the data generated from these systems, continues to be driven by new and emerging challenges stimulated by the global pandemic. Access control is now being considered for a much wider range of applications above and beyond what are now widely considered legacy physical security issues. Many facility and security professionals now think of access control as a core building utility.
Although security experts generally agree that a layered security approach works best to limit vulnerabilities and improve overall safety and security, there is no single system model or bundled solution to fit the needs of different users and facilities.
Sielox Layered Security Solutions address the complexity of providing the right combination of features and configurations to best accommodate individual user’s specific needs. Our latest Advanced Access Control and Emergency Notification and Response solutions are designed for layered security system applications, as well as stand-alone operation capable of future scalability and integration. They include: CLASS™ (Crisis Lockdown Alert Status System); Pinnacle™ Advanced Access Control Solution; AnyWare™ Browser-Based Access Control Platform; and our highly touted line of Intelligent Controllers.
Pinnacle Access Control Platform
Sielox Pinnacle™ access control is a feature-rich, event-management software solution that provides superior management and control capabilities to address your current needs with scalability for tomorrow. It’s available in several versions to accommodate any size application.
Sielox Powered by Wavelynx Readers & Credentials
Sielox offers an open and secure line of readers and credentials branded Sielox Powered by Wavelynx. These products provide a smart path away from prox cards and to secure mobile credentials. See what’s new.
2700 Access Controller
Our 2700 Access Controller is an intelligent and secure, fully distributed access control panel that provides facility protection even if communications have been interrupted. It delivers new benchmarks in speed, performance, and reliability; and is embedded with a Linux OS platform.
AnyWare Browser Based Access Control
AnyWare™ is a simple and scalable browser-based access control monitoring and event management solution for SMBs with up to 8 or up to 64 doors, and up to 25,000 cardholders.